They say you cannot become a leader overnight and that’s right! Good leadership is a result of cultivating a visionary self-awareness and the right set of habits developed over time. Successful leaders have certain habits that help them become, and remain, successful. These habits range from consistency on their behaviors, to being organized, to staying healthy.


The Most important Behaviors that Successful Leaders Display

The Change Behavioral Model is built on the theory that three elements should converge to either allow the creation of a new behavior, restrict or simply refine an existing behavior: Motivation, Ability and Trigger. In the context of leadership traits development, these principles can be adapted to nudge people to activate a positive attitude toward change and start producing actions or behaviors toward a specific intention. The following behaviors can be practiced in a consistent manner in order to become a natural reflex at work.

Communicating Effectively

The most successful leaders are great communicators. They know how to listen and how to speak to people. They are skilled at verbal and non-verbal communication. They know how to get their message across and make an impact. They also take the time to listen to their team, colleagues, and customers so they can better understand their needs and provide better solutions.

Constant desire to Learn

Most successful leaders never stop learning. They are constantly reading, taking classes, and attending seminars. They know that the only way to stay ahead is to keep learning. They do it to stay up-to-date on their personal development and innovations on their industry.

Organisation Skills

Leaders must be able to prioritize tasks, manage their time effectively, and stay focused on their goals. Leaders who are able to stay organized are usually more successful than those who are not. They are able to keep track of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. This helps them to stay on top of their projects and ensures that they are completed effectively.

Goal Setting

Setting goals is another habit of successful leaders. By having specific goals in mind, leaders are able to stay focused on what they need to do in order to achieve them. This also allows them to measure their progress and see how far they have come. Goals provide a sense of direction where the team and leader are headed and make it easier to track progress.

Enabling Collaboration

Great leaders know the importance of creating a collaborative work environment. By fostering an atmosphere of open communication, they can help employees feel safe to bring their ideas and opinions to the table. This encourages creativity, collaboration, and problem solving, allowing teams to work together more effectively. A collaborative work environment also allows employees to learn from each other and develop their skills.

Decision Making

Leaders are expected to make decisions that not only benefit their organization, but also ensure the success of the team. It requires a great deal of thought, research, and careful consideration. But if done right, it can be one of the most rewarding aspects of leadership. Leaders need to make sure they are gathering the right information and considering the opinions of their team before making a decision. They should also be sure to look at the decision from different angles and think about the potential outcomes. It’s important for leaders to be aware of the consequences of their decisions and take responsibility for them.

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things. – President Ronald Reaganref

Building Trust among Team Members

Leaders focus on creating an environment of trust, where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and opinions without fear of judgement. By creating an atmosphere of open communication and collaboration, leaders can help foster a sense of common purpose. This will help to keep employees motivated and engaged in their work.

Building Strong Teams

A successful leader knows how to bring out the best in their team and create an environment of cooperation and collaboration. Leaders recognize the importance of communication, listening to their team members, providing feedback, and creating an atmosphere of mutual respect. Great leaders create a workplace where everyone feels valued and appreciated, and where everyone can come together to work towards common goals.

Delegating Wisely

Delegating tasks is another important habit of successful leaders. Leaders who delegate tasks are able to get more done because they are not bogged down with doing everything on their own. Instead, they are able to focus on the most important tasks and delegate the rest to others. This helps them to use their time more efficiently and provide learning opportunities to others.

Emotional Intelligence

In today’s age, leaders need more than just technical and tactical skills. They need emotional intelligence. This is the ability to understand their own emotions and the emotions of others, and use this knowledge to guide their decisions and actions. Emotional intelligence is essential for successful leaders because it helps them build relationships and interact effectively. It allows them to foster trust, inspire their team, and create a positive and productive atmosphere.

Embrace Change

One of the most important habits of successful leaders is the ability to embrace change. Leaders understand that change is inevitable, and they have the courage to take risks and try new things. The most successful leaders like to be prepared. They know that if they aren’t prepared, they will miss opportunities. They embrace the changing business world and try to figure out how to use these changes to their advantage.

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. – Jack Welch

Guided by Purpose and Values

Leaders tend to have a clear purpose and values. They know why they do what they do and the steps they must take to get there. They are constantly setting goals and taking action to make them happen.

Actionable Feedback

Most successful leaders have cultivated the habit of giving actionable, constructive feedback. They make sure to provide timely, effective feedback on the work done. They appreciate the efforts of colleagues and offer praise for the hard work they have put in.


Leaders tend to treat their team members fairly. There can be differences in opinion between team members over a certain topic, however a leader should not let personal biases affect the decision making process.

Committed to Creating Value for Everyone

The most successful leaders are committed to creating value for everyone — their own team members and customers, as well as suppliers and other stakeholders. They want everyone involved in the process to have an opportunity to contribute their best ideas and efforts. Leaders who are committed to creating value for both themselves and others tend to be more effective in leading and inspiring their teams. They know that their success is not just about them, but about the organization as a whole.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution among team members is the ability of a leader to diffuse negative situations, such as conflict. Conflict resolution is a skill that all leaders should have. It is critical to the success of any organization because it helps people work together and solve problems. It becomes even more important when it comes to dealing with difficult employees who do not get along well with others on the team or in the organization as a whole. Leaders must take responsibility for solving problems that affect productivity or morale before they turn into serious issues that cannot be resolved easily or at all.


The ability to be self-aware and set a good example is vital for successful leaders. Self-awareness is important because it allows one to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, which helps them make informed decisions about what they can do better. Being self-aware also makes leaders able to recognize their own biases, so that they’re not influenced by them in making decisions.


These habits of successful leaders don’t just happen. They are developed over time through experience, reflection, and regular practice. Which of these habits would you like to include in this year resolution list?