At the beginning of 2022 DDI said wellbeing would be the No.1 priority for leaders, especially as it’s a top driver for retention.

As we hit the halfway point of 2022 how is the focus on leadership and wellbeing going?

Well, there’s new statistics out on leadership and wellbeing and they are ones you really need to see!  

According to Deloitte’s research with Workplace Intelligence, Csuite leaders are struggling with health and wellbeing along with the rest of the workforce. Results show that

70% of C-Suite executives are considering quitting their job for one that better supports wellbeing

The study took place across US, UK, Canada and Australia to explore workforce wellbeing and to determine the role that organisations have on their employees quality of life. 

It’s not just employees who are struggling with health, wellbeing and excessive demands of the job. The results shows that a shocking 7 in 10 of the C-suite surveys are seriously thinking about resigning their position.

If C Suite are Struggling with Wellbeing, Why isn’t it top of their agenda?

What happens when we’re stressed, overwhelmed and burning out is that there’s a part of our brain that begins to shut down. It’s a natural protective mechanism that happens in the fight or flight mode. However, it also means that we don’t just shut down our own feelings, we shut down those empathic, caring feelings for others too. 

Complex decision making is also much more difficult, along with our ability to access multiple perspectives. 

This results in a disconnect between C-Suite perspective and employee perspective on how well and organisation is supporting wellbeing.

How Do C-Suite Improve Everyone’s Wellbeing?

When C-suite invest in coaching to support their own wellbeing and make it a priority to really, truly, honestly own how they’re feeling, the impact will be wide reaching. They will become more purpose-driven leaders with better leadership skills and abilities. It will also have a positive effect on their employees – at every level of the organisation – and on company culture.

86% of organisations saw an ROI on their coaching engagements, and 96% of those who had an Executive Coach said they would repeat the process.

Deloitte says the analysis shows early wellbeing intervention is vital. 

Providing in-depth coaching support where needed if a person is struggling, alongside organisation-wide training, workshops and education will give an even higher return on investment and impact a positive culture change.

Looking after wellbeing, with a planned approach of both coaching and training will decrease employee absence, increase productivity, and improve retention.