Today’s workforce is constantly evolving. Employees are now able to take advantage of flexible & remote working, and in an increasingly global marketplace, international roles in disparate locations are no longer unusual. As a result, employers are having to create employee engagement strategies within a fragmented work culture to ensure that all staff feel valued and engaged.  However with recent research from Gallup revealing that 67% of the global workforce is disengaged, representing approximately US$7 trillion in lost productivity, it is clear that there is still room for improvement.

With this in mind, we have produced a report detailing the top factors which cause employees to be actively disengaged. By aggregating and curating several major sources of research over a number of years from bodies such as CIPD, WERS, Investors in People, and Gallup, the report highlights the most frequently cited drivers of employee engagement. And the top factors are:


Looking at these top factors, it is interesting but slightly disappointing that despite the vast amount of evidence to show a valued workforce is a loyal workforce and that happy employees are at the heart of driving forward productivity we are still discussing how to actually engage workers. Granted, there is no single solution to achieve engagement but if employers can communicate effectively with each individual, listen to their thoughts and help to guide them through their career, this will not only give the employee a sense of belonging but also maintain engagement. While this can be tricky, it is worth the time and investment, after all, we spend much of our adult lives in the workplace so why not make it as enjoyable experience as possible.