Much strategic advantage in a networked world comes from collaborations with like or differently minded people. The Open For Business global network is one such example of a network, the brainchild of Ted Coiné. Ted explains the concept:

“What if your firm had fifty influencers with a following of five million and growing? And what if these influencers had an audience thick with business leaders and enterprise executives – exactly the target audience your brand needs most to reach? What could you accomplish for your brand with that influence in your corner? This is what I’ve set out to achieve with the Open For Business network, which offers Speaking and Consulting, Training, and Executive Coaching.”

Working in a networked organisation is not easy and some of the HR consequences include:

  1. Working with people based on expert and social power rather than position power. It’s what you know, what you can do and who you know that counts over your title and position.
  2. It’s what Professor Charles Handy termed a “Person Culture”. They can implode if not run well. We see person cultures in groups of solicitors, accountants and in some rock groups. They can be volatile.
  3. Rewards and Reciprocity are the order of the day in terms of holding the network together and building the organisation’s capacity and capability.

I am very lucky to have been personally invited to have a place in Ted’s network and it’s a great way to start 2016. Check out the whole network to see what part they can play in extending your global influence, reach and HR clout.