This week is Road Safety Week. Coordinated by road safety charity Brake and sponsored by Specsavers, the initiative is this year asking people to ‘Make the Pledge’ to drive less and do everything they can to protect themselves and the people around them. The pledge is relevant to everyone, whether they are drivers or not, and employers in particular can make a difference.

Brake’s pledge asks everyone to be Slow, Sober, Secure, Silent, Sharp and Sustainable. The vital area for employers is in ensuring their employees are able to stay Sharp. This part of the pledge covers making sure that all drivers have their eyesight tested at least every two years.

Driving for work purposes comes under health and safety regulations in the same way as all ‘at work’ activities. This is true whether an employee’s main role is driving or if they only make occasional work trips. The employer should, therefore, already be making certain that all employees’ vision is up to the task and the only way of truly knowing this is to implement a driver eyecare policy.

Specsavers has worked hard to make it as easy as possible for employers to implement an eyecare policy for drivers. We hope that this year’s Road Safety Week may spur employers into action to make available eyecare that, strictly speaking, they should already be providing.

Employers can find out more, make their pledge, and encourage employees to do the same at:

The details of the pledge are:


Drivers – I'll stay under limits, and slow down to 20mph around schools, homes and shops to protect others. I'll slow right down for bends, brows and bad weather, and avoid overtaking.
Everyone – I'll speak out for slowing down and help drivers understand that the slower they drive, the more chance they have of avoiding a crash and saving a life.


Drivers – I'll never drive after drinking any alcohol or taking drugs – not a drop, not a drag.
Everyone – I'll plan ahead to make sure I, and anyone I'm with, can get home safely and I'll never get a lift with drink/drug drivers. I'll speak out if someone's about to drive on drink or drugs.


Drivers – I'll make sure everyone in my vehicle is belted up on every journey, and kids smaller than 150cm are in a proper child restraint. I'll choose the safest vehicle I can and ensure it's maintained.
Everyone – I'll belt up on every journey, and make sure friends and family do too.


Drivers – I'll never take or make calls or texts when driving. I'll put my phone out of sight and on silent, and stay focused on the road.
Everyone – I'll never chat on the phone to someone else who's driving.


Drivers – I'll get my eyes tested every two years and wear glasses or lenses at the wheel if I need them. I'll take regular breaks and never drive if I'm tired, stressed or on medication that affects driving.
Everyone – I'll look out for friends and loved ones by ensuring they only drive if they're fit for it, and rest if they're tired.


Everyone – I'll minimise the amount I drive, or not drive at all. I'll get about by walking, cycling or public transport as much as I can, for road safety, the environment and my health.