People analytics has emerged in the last few years as an area of increasing importance and focus. It’s driven by organizations’ need to understand their most significant asset—their talent—and, by extension, their culture.  Data around hiring, retention, performance, and engagement provides valuable insights to diagnose success and improvement areas.

People analytics is one of the most powerful tools that an organization has to continue developing and positioning itself as a top place to work. Having a great company culture positively impacts employer brand and employees’ perception of the organization. When leadership is aligned, employees perform, and you’re attracting the talent you need, it provides a solid competitive advantage. Being able to identify how to get there is step one of the process. 

When using people analytics to improve culture, start with the business questions and then ask yourself,  “What metrics should I be tracking and analyzing?” By digging into four areas—hiring, retention, performance, and engagement—you’ll have a  solid foundation of data to build or improve your company culture. Below we’ve outlined the benefits of these areas of people analytics to continue improving your company culture.

1.Hiring analytics

Hiring analytics help organizations make better recruitment decisions. The benefits of recruitment analytics include recruitment performance, identifying top-performing pipelines and applicants, and understanding future recruiting trends.

2.Retention analytics

Voluntary turnover costs organizations millions of dollars every year in additional hiring, onboarding, and training. Retention analytics can help organizations pinpoint the ‘why’ behind people leaving, which vary from place to place. There is no one size fits all solution to improve retention, so these analytics provide more insight on key areas of focus and strategy.

3.Performance analytics

Measuring employee performance can be tricky, but it’s crucial to gain information on how to develop and retain your employees. Performance analytics help diagnose potential issues before they even begin and keep people aligned with company strategy.

4.Employee engagement analytics

Employee engagement is crucial to attract and retain talent and remain competitive in the global market. Research also shows a direct link between employee engagement and company performance.

Having a great company culture brings a strong competitive advantage. Therefore, it’s only logical to use people analytics to help drive your company forward in performance, engagement, and culture. “What gets measured gets managed,”  meaning that as you collect data on these items, you’ll be better prepared to make improvements.