Two members of staff posted pictures of themselves ‘planking’ on facebook. Lying in places that put their health and safety at risk, ontop of top shelf in backroom at work. Above back door at work. comments have been made about this on facebook, including the Manager saying ‘I wasnt in, Ha ha’. We plan to investigate all three, how far could we go with this? Could we go to dismissal? we have a policy on blogging and social networking which states.

Where a user has disclosed confidential information, breached the companies data

protection obligations or any of the companies equal opportunities or Bullying and

Harassment policies, failed to obtain consent before making a comment public, used

official branding without consent, made a disparaging or critical comments, or done

anything which harms or could reasonably be expected to harm the companies

reputation or business interests this will be treated as misconduct under the

companies disciplinary procedures and in serious cases will be treated as gross

misconduct and could lead to dismissal.