An employee of ours was on holiday last week and didn't return to work on Monday and we've found out he is in prison.

We knew nothing about this and I'm not really sure how to proceed.

What I have found out is that he had been arrested and was supposed to keep a weekly appointment at a hospital, he has a history of mental illness, until his case went to county court. He missed one of these appointments about 3 weeks ago and was consequently fitted with a tag. At some point during his holiday he removed the tag and left his home address. When the police found him they took him straight to prison.

It sounds like he's on remand rather than having been found guilty and sentenced but I'm not really sure, the family were a bit vague and I'm not sure whether they are trying to hide something.

There must be a solicitor involved somewhere, am I ok to ask for their details and contact them to determine what the position is?

The Ops Director is wanting to dismiss him and I'm wondering how long the employee would have to be in prison for his absence to constitute frustration of contract?

Any help will be appreciated.