We are now in the midst of that delightful process the Stock Take.
We are counting everything and anything, in a bid to place some kind of value on our production, performance and output. This has come as a bit of a shock to those members of the factory floor who are normally spending Thursdays afternoons as a count down to Friday lunch when we ‘Shut Up Shop’ and go home early. After my Monday Moan, I am sure you can gather where this is heading.

I cannot help but wonder why there is such reticence among the workforce these days to stand up and be counted. I see it with my teenagers at home, so reluctant to be seen to be clever, despite a natural intelligence, as it crosses the dividing line of cool…..

Fast track a few years down the line and where are the CEO’s and Directors of tomorrow. Hiding behind their screensavers hoping no one notices them. Maybe?